Nutrition Things

It's taken a long time to figure out what works for me (and honestly, to stick with anything long enough to see results). The past few weeks have held way too much Halloween candy and beer, but I'm getting back on track with the holiday goal of keeping the indulgences limited to the actual holiday or celebration instead of just making it a month-long free for all with my diet. What I've been doing since late this summer, that makes me feel my best while giving me the results I'm after, is a combination of carb-cycling and intermittent fasting.

I started the intermittent fasting because I was getting so nauseous during my workouts. Regardless of how early I ate breakfast, what I ate, how much I had, it was threatening to reappear during my 8:30 camp, so I started cutting out breakfast. I immediately felt much better and could push harder without feeling like I would upchuck. Then, life being what it is, I generally don't have time to eat until lunchtime, so I generally keep my meals within the 12pm-8pm window. I've also found that I'm less tempted to reach for junk if I know I only have a few hours to get in all my protein...I make it a priority to hit my protein goal and don't feel hungry as long as I'm getting it in.

I've heard that carb-cycling can be a little complicated, but I usually keep it to a rotation of 3 days of low carbs (<60g), followed by a higher carb day (150g). I try to maintain my protein intake around 170g daily, regardless of how many carbs I'm eating on any given day. Sometimes I'll adjust the high carb days for heavy leg training, roller derby practice, or a social event where I know I'll have a drink or two by having a few extra low carb days beforehand.

A few of the ladies I work out with have asked for help hitting their protein goals, since we all have a goal of a MINIMUM of 100g daily, then adjusted for body weight and training volume. My favorite easy sources are:
  • Nitrate-free turkey or roast beef slices
  • Liquid Egg Whites
  • Paleo Protein Powder
  • Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein
  • Vega Sport
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